Written by

Julienne Rousseau

Arts + CultureNews

WindsorWrites @ UWindsor

Published On: Mon, Feb 1st, 2021, 10:06AMLast Updated: Tue, Feb 2nd, 2021, 4:33PM1 min read
By Published On: Mon, Feb 1st, 2021, 10:06AMLast Updated: Tue, Feb 2nd, 2021, 4:33PM1 min read

By Julienne Rousseau

They laugh, they cry, they argue and, every year, a group of students at the University of Windsor see the product of their labours literally come off the presses. They are in Marty Gervais’s Publishing Practicum course.

This semester I am following the students in the Publishing Practicum as they work with a Canadian author to edit and publish a book of poetry from start to finish. My stories will document this process, with all its trials, tribulations and successes. With COVID-19 restrictions in place, running a practicum course like this is, to say the least, challenging.

At the same time, I will be telling another, related story. Did you know that the University of Windsor’s Creative Writing Program is one of the best in the nation? You know it now.

And it is the nexus of the wider writing community in Windsor and across Canada.

As you will see, the Publishing Practicum course is intricately weaved into “WindsorWrites,” as is Professor Marty Gervais and his team at Black Moss Press.

If you have a story about writing in Windsor, feel free to contact me: mariaj@uwindsor.ca.

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About Julienne Rousseau

Julienne Rousseau is a student from the University of Windsor, graduating in April 2021, majoring in history. She is compelled to write historical journals, poetry and short-stories, and her journalistic work includes interviewing a wide range of local talent and recording oral histories to create articles and films. Above all, Rousseau is an equal rights activist who combines her love of history, art, and music to produce meaningful works.