UWindsor Students Create Windsor-Specific Meme Accounts to Cheer Up Community in Covid Times
What do you get when you put together a pandemic, the ensuing social isolation and boredom, and Internet-savvy college students? Memes, of course. Assuming you don’t live under a rock, you have surely noticed that a variety of meme accounts lightly poking fun at the University of Windsor and the city of Windsor have recently cropped up on social media. These accounts have garnered the attention of thousands of students and Windsorites alike and have provided an outlet for lighthearted fun in these desolate times. The Lance reached out to the creators behind these accounts to learn why they decided
We’ve Returned to Campus- but how do UWindsor Students Really Feel?
University of Windsor students started to return to campus this term. This move came following nearly two years of virtual learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, it is not exactly business as usual, as enhanced safety measures are prevalent throughout campus. What may be more obvious, though, is the enthusiasm that many students are feeling about being back. “I [like] coming to the University and attending class because it’s more interactive,” student Diksha says. “In an online class, the lecture is going on and you’re listening, but there’s no [actual] interaction.” Feelings of isolation that come along with
Standing on a New Stage: What the Windsor Indie Music Scene Can Expect as Capacity Limits Lift
With capacity limits and proof of vaccination requirements lifting across the province, music venues will finally get a much-needed boost of something other than a vaccine. Under Provincial guidelines, entertainment venues across Ontario including music venues like Caesars Arena, Villans, The Phog lounge and The Meteor will finally be able to book live acts at full capacity again. As dozens of moving pieces within the industry now shift into gear, downtown Windsor ready to open their doors for the flood of anxious One of the integral pieces to the reopening of the local music scene is Shawn Vandenberg- the
Pants-less Zoom Presentations and Full-Glam ’Fits: How the COVID-19 Pandemic Has Affected Fashion
It’s been two years since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Everything about our lives has changed, from the ways we eat to the ways we get around. The way we dress has changed as well. With nowhere to go and no one to see, many of us have adopted a much more casual look—perhaps a little too casual, as attested by the many headlines of public figures accidentally revealing that they were not wearing pants during a Zoom session. But has everyone adopted a more lax sense of style during these unprecedented times? We reached out to UWindsor students
Opinion: What 17th-Century Philosopher Thomas Hobbes can Teach us About Masks, Vaccine Mandates, and the COVID-19 Pandemic
Thomas Hobbes was a 17th-century English political philosopher. Among other intellectual achievements, Hobbes developed the theory of the social contract in a way that no philosopher before him had. In so doing, he essentially launched the field of modern political thought and laid the building blocks of liberalism and liberal philosophy. His theory of the social contract remains as relevant as ever in this age of mask-wearing, vaccine mandates, and COVID-19. Hobbes’ theory goes something like this: before we had government, humanity lived in a state of nature. In this anarchical state, everyone had to fend for themselves. There was
Resilience in the Return: How Lancer Athletes are Preparing to Restart the Competition Season
Student-athletes can resume training. As of January 31, the province started to lift the lockdown restrictions; including the reopening of gyms. For over a month, both Lancer athletes, as well as athletes across the OUA, had to put a pause on their respective seasons as a consequence of the shutdown in late December. There was much uncertainty as to whether or not teams would even continue their seasons and if the work put in for half the year would be in vain. Alongside the announcement came the hope that the remainder of the season would go on as expected; however,
My Journey to UWindsor from Mexico City
I arrived in Canada to see Windsor and the campus for the first time, after studying remote from Mexico for my first semester. If you are an international student, just like me, I know it can feel overwhelming to move across the world alone, especially in the middle of a pandemic, and not knowing exactly when you can go back home. I would like to share my journey to the University of Windsor.
UWindsor’s (Long Awaited) Return to Campus
The University of Windsor will return to in-person learning on January 31. On January 17, a second statement was released by University President Dr. Robert Gordon and Interim Provost Dr. Patti Weir containing information regarding the return to campus, in line with their December 17 announcement, which promised to give two weeks' notice prior to the return. It outlines the measures the University will be taking to keep campus safe: COVID-19 vaccination policy Daily screening requirements through a self-assessment questionnaire Building access protocols (QR code scanning) Heightened on-campus contact tracing Masking and physical distance requirements Encouragement of hand and respiratory
In Conversation with Noah Gascon: First-Year UWindsor Student and Founder of WindsorVax Finders
If you’re a resident of Windsor-Essex, you’ve probably run into WindsorVax Finders online, whether that be on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. Perhaps this volunteer-run organization helping eligible locals find COVID-19 vaccine appointments has even helped you. But what you might not know is that WVF was founded by a first-year UWindsor student. I reached out to Noah Gascon, Concurrent Political Science student, Constituency Aid to Member of Parliament Irek Kusmierczyk, and creator of WindsorVax Finders to discuss how this organization came to be. Read our conversation below. RH: Can you tell me a little bit about yourself? NG: My name
Unpopular Opinions: Why I Prefer Online Learning to In-Person Learning
On Wednesday, October 6, 2021, in its official Return to Campus e-newsletter, the University of Windsor announced that most Winter 2022 courses would be delivered in person or include an in-person component. Courses at UWindsor have not been delivered mainly in person since March 19, 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic began gaining ground in Canada and it became necessary to transition courses to an entirely online format to ensure the community’s safety. In the Fall 2020 and Winter 2021 semesters, courses remained online for the most part. This semester, courses have also mostly remained online, but a few have been