faculty of law
Looking Back, Looking Forward
UWindsor president Robert Gordon says the University of Windsor is focused on improving the student experience at the University of Windsor. The strategic plan for the university is the guiding piece for the next five years and currently is in its final stage of document review and feedback. "We have received significant feedback and there is still an opportunity for others to visit the Aspire website and provide some feedback on the documents and direction," added Dr. Gordon. Aspire: Together for Tomorrow is the planning process of the University of Windsor's next strategic plan. UWindsor
UWindsor’s Faculty of Law collaborates with the Canadian Red Cross to host conference on Urban Warfare
The University of Windsor’s Faculty of Law will be hosting a conference with the Canadian Red Cross titled: War in Cities: An International Humanitarian Law (IHL) Perspective. The conference will focus on Urban Warfare. It is a free, public conference held at Canterbury College. It features experts and academics to teach about the pressing issues surrounding International Humanitarian Law. Urban warfare has been a common feature of many conflicts since the second world war. It is estimated that about 50 million people today suffer the consequences of such warfare- from Ukraine to Syria to Armenia to the Philippines. The