music industry
Standing on a New Stage: What the Windsor Indie Music Scene Can Expect as Capacity Limits Lift
With capacity limits and proof of vaccination requirements lifting across the province, music venues will finally get a much-needed boost of something other than a vaccine. Under Provincial guidelines, entertainment venues across Ontario including music venues like Caesars Arena, Villans, The Phog lounge and The Meteor will finally be able to book live acts at full capacity again. As dozens of moving pieces within the industry now shift into gear, downtown Windsor ready to open their doors for the flood of anxious One of the integral pieces to the reopening of the local music scene is Shawn Vandenberg- the
From Recording Engineer to Retail Worker to Future Lawyer: Nick’s Experience of University as a Thirtysomething Mature Student
Nick is a double-major in Political Science and Philosophy at UWindsor. He's the President of UWindsor's Philosophy Club and assistant editor to the University's academic journal Informal Logic. Currently in his fourth year, he will be pursuing his Master's degree in Philosophy in the Fall 2022 semester. Afterwards, he will be attending Windsor Law in order to become a human rights lawyer. Nick is also a mature student. He began his university career in his thirties and has worked a variety of jobs from the music industry to retail before going back to school. He dealt with undiagnosed ADHD until