online courses
Online Learning from 3,624 km Away
University can be difficult to navigate at uncomplicated times. But when international students faced the need to learn from distances of 3,624 km because of COVID, the university became less about navigation and more about surviving the online learning experience. Here are some examples of how you can get the best university experience (and make your tuition worth it) even if you are far away.
Unpopular Opinions: Why I Prefer Online Learning to In-Person Learning
On Wednesday, October 6, 2021, in its official Return to Campus e-newsletter, the University of Windsor announced that most Winter 2022 courses would be delivered in person or include an in-person component. Courses at UWindsor have not been delivered mainly in person since March 19, 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic began gaining ground in Canada and it became necessary to transition courses to an entirely online format to ensure the community’s safety. In the Fall 2020 and Winter 2021 semesters, courses remained online for the most part. This semester, courses have also mostly remained online, but a few have been