period poverty

Tampon Tuesday Sparks Activism and Community Involvement at UWindsor in Addressing Period Poverty

Jada Malott, a second-year Political Science student, helped gather 196 boxes of menstrual products for the University of Windsor’s Tampon Tuesday initiative.  Malott, the youth initiatives lead, runs the Tampon Tuesday initiative to Uwindsor through the United Way program.  Tampon Tuesday is a yearly event where high schools and universities collect sealed menstrual products, such as pads and tampons, to distribute to those experiencing period poverty.  The initiative encourages activism, awareness, and community involvement to address menstrual hygiene accessibility in Windsor-Essex.  Malott introduced Tampon Tuesday from The United Way program to her high school in grade nine.  “I noticed what

By |Thu, Mar 14th, 2024, 3:14PM|News, Politics|
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