student government
UWSA Annual General Meeting Adjourned Early Following Contentious Discussion About Proposed By-Law and Policy Amendments and Former President’s Removal
The AGM, scheduled for Monday, April 25 from 5 to 8 p.m., abruptly ended at 7:28 p.m. after a majority of members voted in favor of a motion put forward to adjourn the meeting before all the topics on the agenda had been discussed. Of the 75 members present, 15 voted in favor of the motion, 8 voted against it, and 1 abstained from voting. Students vocalized concerns regarding proposed By-Law and Policy amendments and asked questions about the former president’s removal. The By-Laws can be viewed here and the policies can be viewed here. The motion to adjourn was put
UWSA general elections now in full swing
UWindsor students head to the polls to elect their Undergraduate Student Alliance. The general elections for the UWSA (the University of Windsor Student Alliance) representing all full-time undergraduate students including the Schulich School of Medicine, the Faculty of Law, and Teachers College- are now underway. According to the Chief Returning Officer (ISC), Ivona Bilbilovska, the elections will remain online for the second year in a row to ensure an equal playing field for everyone. “As there are only about 60% of students on campus, we don't want any students, whether they're candidates or simply voting, to be at a